Journal Articles
Peterson, M. and Downie, C. 2023 ‘The international political economy of export credit agencies and the energy transition’ Review of International Political Economy.
Brulle, R. and Downie, C. 2022 ‘Following the money: trade associations, political activity and climate change’ Climatic Change.
Downie, C. 2022 ‘Geopolitical Leverage in the Energy Transition: A framework for analysis and the case of Australian electricity exports’ Energy Research & Social Science.
Downie, C. 2022 ‘How do informal international organizations govern? The G20 and orchestration’, International Affairs.
Hughes, L. and Downie, C. 2021 ‘Bilateral Finance Organizations and Stranded Asset Risk in Coal: the case of Japan’, Climate Policy.
Downie, C. 2021 ‘Competition, Cooperation and Adaptation: The organizational ecology of international organizations in global energy governance’, Review of International Studies
Downie C. 2020 ‘Steering Global Energy Governance: Who governs and what do they do?’, Regulation and Governance.
Downie C. 2020 ‘Strategies for Survival: The International Energy Agency’s response to a new world’, Energy Policy, Vol 141 .
Trencher, G., Downie C., Hasegawa, K., and Asuka, J. 2020 ‘Divestment trends in Japan’s international coal businesses’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol 124.
Colvin, R.M., Kemp, L., Talberg, A., de Castella, C., Downie, C., Friel, S., Grant, W.J., Howden, M., Jotzo, F., Markham, F., Platow, M.J., 2020 ‘Learning from the Climate Change Debate to Avoid Polarisation on Negative Emissions’, Environmental Communication, 14(1): 23-35.
Downie, C. 2019 ‘Australian Energy Diplomacy‘ Australian Journal of International Affairs’, 73(2): 119-125
Downie, C. 2018 ‘Ad Hoc Coalitions in the United States Energy Sector: Case studies in the gas, oil and coal industries’, Business and Politics, 20(4): 643–668
Downie, C. and Williams, M. 2018 ‘After the Paris Agreement: What role for the BRICS in Global Climate Governance?’, Global Policy, 9(3): 398-407
Tienhaara, K. and Downie, C. 2018 ‘Risky Business? The Energy Charter Treaty, Clean Energy and Investor-State Disputes’, Global Governance, 24(2018): 451–471
Downie, C. and Crump, L. 2017 ‘The role of the chair in informal international organisations: Australia’s Group of Twenty presidency’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71(6): 678-693
Downie, C. 2017 ‘Business actors, political resistance, and strategies for policymakers’, Energy Policy, 108(2017): 583–592
Downie, C. 2017 ‘Fighting for King Coal’s Crown: Business actors in the US coal and utility industries’, Global Environment Politics, 17(1): 21-39
Downie, C. 2017 ‘One in 20: The G20, middle powers and global governance reform’, Third World Quarterly 38(7): 1493-1510
Drahos, P. and Downie, C. 2017 ‘Regulatory Unilateralism: Arguments for going it alone on climate change’, Global Policy, 8(1): 32-40
Downie, C. and Drahos P. 2017 ‘US Institutional Pathways to Clean Coal and Shale Gas: Lessons for China’, Climate Policy, 17(2): 246-260
Downie, C. 2016 ‘Prolonged international environmental negotiations: the roles and strategies of non-state actors in the EU’, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 16(2016):739–755
Downie, C. 2015 ‘Global Energy Governance: Do the BRICs have the energy to drive reform?’, International Affairs 91(4): 799-812
Downie, C. 2015 ‘Global Energy Governance in the G20: States, coalitions and crises’, Global Governance 21(3): 475-492
Crump, L. and Downie, C. 2015 “Understanding Climate Change Negotiations: Contributions from International Negotiation and Conflict Management’, International Negotiation 20: 146-174
Downie, C. 2014 ‘ Transnational actors in environmental politics: strategies and influence in long negotiations’, Environmental Politics 23(3): 376 – 394
Downie, C. 2013 ‘ Three Ways to Understand State Actors in International Negotiations: Climate Change in the Clinton Years (1993-2000)’, Global Environmental Politics 13(4): 22 – 40
Downie, C. 2013 ‘Shaping International Negotiations from within the EU: Sub-State Actors and Climate Change’, Journal of European Integration 35 (6): 705 – 721
Downie, C. 2012 ‘ Toward an Understanding of State Behavior in Prolonged International Negotiations’, International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice 17(2): 295 – 320
Macintosh, A. and Downie, C. 2008 ‘Aviation and Climate Change: Can the airline industry continue to grow in a carbon-constrained economy?’, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 15(4)
Hamilton, C., Downie, C. and Lu, Y.H. 2008 ‘The State of the Australian Middle Class’, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal 2(1)
Downie, C. 2004, ‘An Asian Response to the Asian Crisis: The Proposal for an Asian Monetary Fund’, Journal of Australian Political Economy (54)
Book Chapters
Downie, C. 2023 ‘A renewable power in waiting? Australia’s changing energy geopolitics’ in Scholten D. (ed.), Handbook on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, Edward Elgar
Downie, C. 2022 ‘Transnational actors: Nongovernmental organizations, civil society and individuals’ in Harris, P. (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, New York: Routledge
Tienhaara, K. and Downie, C. 2019 ’Green Theory and the G20′ Slaughter, S. (ed.) The G20 and International Relations Theory: Perspectives on Global Summitry, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
Downie, C. 2017 ‘International Negotiations’ in Drahos, P. (ed.) Regulatory Theory: Foundations and applications, Canberra: ANU Press.
Downie, C. 2015 ‘Energy Governance: Can the G20 drive reform?’ in Callaghan, M. and Sainsbury, T. (eds.) The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance, Sydney: New South.
Downie, C. 2014 ‘Transnational Actors: Nongovernmental organizations, civil society and individuals’ in Harris, P (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Global Environmental Politics, New York: Routledge 176-186.
Besley, D., Downie, C., Kennedy, S. and Writer, S. 2014 ‘Carbon pricing in Australia: an early view from the inside’ in Quiggin, J (ed.), Carbon Pricing: Early Experience and Future Prospects, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.